Unfortunately we lacked in the past few days, the time to go to the site. Monday we were quite short but as you can see first, against 18 in the evening clock is not much, and secondly, was prepared mainly for plastering. Unfortunately, our car went on strike Tuesday, and therefore none of us came to the house. But
had to do with the builder repair.
Today you could see it a lot.
The outer walls are provided with the first layer of plaster, if nothing intervenes to come tomorrow, the second layer.
this morning I was ever on the site, because Wednesday is actually supposed to be only BauleiterTag I have not seen since the minimum of 2 weeks.
morning was the living-dining room with kitchen ready and the bedroom. I've talked quite nice with our plasterers and tell me one or the other can. Also we were there again, because Jörg is also always so curious and wants to see everything.
In between time and the hallway and the laundry room is ready.
Tomorrow we will unfortunately not make it out, too, so we are all the more curious how it will look on Friday.
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