This morning I had to already be at 7:50 in clock with Finja Buchholz, because Finja today had their trial day in the new class.
From dortaus of times I just pass on the site to see if the skeleton is still, and what can I say! The scaffolders were just alleviate it.
Since I had also done so yet one or the other in Buchholz I am first and then further back in time to return to his appointment with the landscaping farmers.
When I came back was already half loaded scaffold.
Clock At 12 I had also construction manager arrived and we talk just off the lead as scaffolding.
I would not have thought it time to go into the house, but our construction manager said the floor lay already since Monday as we can cautiously go visit short.
Jörg was quite jealous when I told him I was in our house.
Man this looks great.
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