Michael Ritsch supported Solidarity Action for accused welfarists
Yesterday's action by the Association Against Animal Factories' in front of the Vorarlberg house was also supported by Social Democratic Party state chairman Michael Ritsch. He described the actions of the judiciary against the accused welfarists as disproportionate and called for an urgent repair of the "Mafia Clauses" 278a. "It is not to understand that the procedure is possible in cases of excessive measures on animal welfare with the same methods as in suspected mafia situation," said Ritsch.
In the current case, the question of the constitutionality, as the right to question the defense will come literally underfoot. "When suspects from the bourgeois political establishment will not be tired to the` presumption of innocence, insisting '- for the welfare inside does not seem to apply, "laments Ritsch. The rule of law should not tend to a conviction and criminal suspicion. Moreover, the process can be performed quickly to avoid financial ruin of the defendants.
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